say yes to life, to love, to God
WEEKEND services:
@ Celebration Center
Saturdays at 5:30pm
Sundays at 8:30am & 9:45am
@ Thompson Site
Sundays at 11:00am
office hours:
@ Celebration Center
Monday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Tuesday: 10:30am -4:30pm
Wednesday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Thursday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Friday: 8:30am - 3:30pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
*lunch hour is from 1-2pm on weekdays
Contact us
Celebration Center
1701 W 32nd St
Sedalia, MO 65301
Thompson Site
916 Thompson Blvd
Sedalia, MO 65301
We hope everyone can discover God's love for themselves and know God longs to be in an eternal relationship with them through Jesus.
We love kids. Not only do we have wonderful children's ministry and spaces, we love evidence that children are among us. Their joyful "noise" is welcome here.
Dress comfortably.
Our guests should not feel obligated to give. We're interested in you, not your wallet.
We're all growing in our understanding so don't worry if you don't know everything--we don't either. But we're learning the ways of Jesus and invite you to join us on that path of growing in God.
There are classes for children, youth and adults on Sundays and Wednesdays (seasonally). We encourage you to find a group with which you can connect.