say yes to life, to love, to God
God always starts with a heart being shaped by God and from the outflow of that change, a community, society and culture will be transformed as well. Live what you believe out loud! There are many ways to serve at First Church. We invite you to join us in the various ministries we get to be a part of!
MPACT Youth are kids 6th-12th grade. They meet every Sunday night at the Celebration Center, 6-8th grades 5-6:30pm and 9-12th grades 6-7:30pm. We are always looking for volunteers to make dinner, help lead small groups, or to be a chaperone, etc. If you would be interested in helping, even if that is once a month, contact us and let us know. We would love to have you!
Contact: Aaron Douglas
Technology Team
We would love for you to join us behind the scenes! This ministry is a great way to get involved at First Church and be the eyes and ears of our services. There are a variety of ways you can be involved on the team, from operating the cameras, to running the sound board, to managing the livestream production on Facebook! Please contact us if you have any interest in helping or shadowing someone to see how everything works.
Contact: Jeff Leeman
Care Ministry
The Care Ministry exists to guide and encourage our church family to be involved in practical acts of kindness. They make cards and gifts, provide meals for various groups and events, and do various other acts to care for our church family and community.
Contact: Karen Zullig
Worship Team
We would love to know if God has given you the gift of instrumental music or the gift of song. Would you be willing to share your talent through a worship experience?
Contact Lori Broyles
Strong Tower Haiti
Strong Tower Haiti is a nonprofit organization dedicated to sharing the love and grace of Jesus Christ with orphaned and vulnerable children. We partner with a local church in Caracol, Haiti to care for orphaned and vulnerable children through residential care and family strengthening programs such as Micro-financing, the Nutrition Initiative, Medical Missions, and Vacation Bible School.
Contact: Amy Furrey
Green Team
We have a team at First Church that works with all the plants you see around our buildings! We also have our very own greenhouse behind the Celebration Center. The Green Team is always looking for volunteer members! You don't have to have a green thumb, only a willing heart to learn and serve.
Contact: Gary Eck
Night to Shine
Night to Shine is an unforgettable prom night experience, centered on God’s love, for people with special needs (16+). This event is sponsored by the Tim Tebow foundation and happens every year across the world. There are many ways that you can help make this night a success, from being a buddy, helping with check-in, providing and serving food, helping with set up and tear down, doing hair and makeup, facilitating games and activities, taking pictures, and more!
Contact Angela Boone